Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Testament: Hebrews

We continue our study of the New Testament by working through the main ideas of Hebrews. We also examine Chapter 11 and the topic of faith.


Sermon: Light and Momentary - Joy and Suffering

This sermon continues Greg's sermon series "Light and Momentary - A Study of Suffering" by talking about how we as Christians can live lives of joy amidst suffering.


I Heart: Don't Love the World

This week we start a new series on love, "I Heart" from the book of 1 John. In this first study, we learn about what NOT to love. Don't love the world - it only offers decoys, lures, and useless prizes.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Light and Momentary - Why is there Suffering?

This is a sermon Greg delivered on February 7, 2010 in his series "Light and Momentary: A Study of Suffering". The sermon is entitled "Why is there Suffering?" and deals with two major questions people ask on this difficult issue, providing Biblical answers. My apologies for the poor quality of the recording.


New Testament - Philemon

We're back! In this podcast we talk about the letter of Paul to Philemon. We touch on the issue of slavery, as well as on the transformation the Gospel makes in our lives. Sorry for the back quality - hopefully that will be fixed in the future!
